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Council owned/occupied land and buildings

The Council publishes details on its land and property portfolio. This helps make it easier for people to contribute to local decision making which in turn helps to shape public services.

The report includes all Council service properties, offices and land, PFI buildings, hostels, depots and council owned commercial property. It does not include temporary or social housing, refuge homes or public highways.

View the land and property data.

Specific ownership enquiries for the council owned or occupied assets can be sent to the Property and Design team at

Enquiries regarding commercial property can be sent to the Estates and Investments team at

Landlord consent for building works, and maintenance responsibilities on school sites

In order to support schools in understanding their responsibilities when it comes to planned building works and maintenance on school sites, the Local Authority (LA) provides two guidance documents:

The definition of responsibilities in relation to building works between the school and local authority clarifies the roles and responsibilities of schools and the LA in the planned maintenance of school buildings and land. It defines the roles and responsibilities that exist between the LA and schools, and specifies where the day to day maintenance responsibilities lie.

When schools and governing boards are considering undertaking building and landscape adaptations themselves, it is important that duty holders are aware of their responsibilities for statutory compliance and health and safety as it relates to any planned building works. The attached form and guidance notes are intended as a helpful tool for schools and governing boards, to ensure they are adhering to the statutory requirements of any building works, including the requirement to seek landlord approval from the LA before undertaking any works, and how to secure this approval.

Hopefully the guidance and definition documents will help headteachers and governors in understanding what the requirements are for undertaking buildings works on your site. The LA continues to be able to assist schools with any planned building works, and where the authority’s in-house property team (the biT team) are appointed to carry out any works by schools, then they will continue to ensure that these statutory requirements are met on behalf of the school.

In the first instance, if you require any further clarification on these matters, please get in touch with the biT team directly at

Last updated: 21/12/2020 14:54